let yourself be there.

Think of a falling out between you and someone in life. Of any dramatic or not so dramatic scale. And now think of how you may react if they have now reached out to you in any effort of contact. Whats your initial thought? How does it make you feel? What will you do?

I've just had these questions zip through my mind. I've been reached out to. I've been contacted. After 5 or so years of nothing. A bridge has been crossed.
To be honest I don't even know why communication and contact stopped. It confused me the whole time it was happening. But at the time in a step towards the faith journey i was being called to, I had to leave that and just move forward. It was a healthy decision for me to walk forwards. And honestly I haven't ever looked back. 

But now…..I'm in a place where I'm content. I'm the closest thing to being sure of myself and my faith than ever. And it's amazing. And I could talk about it for days on end! 
But i've been reached out to. My initial (and horrible) thought was something along the lines of "I don't have time for this now after so long" and something like "whats gone wrong for them to contact me again like this".

And then BAM. 
Stop it lauren. 
Why so cruel?

Shouldn't my first thought be utter happiness?

I've been reached out to! YAY!!!

Contact has been made with me. An effort. I'm in such a beautiful place now and I now have the opportunity to take this and share a part of my amazing life? Like wow…..thats insane. To be honest I've been feeling like I am reaching out to so much at the moment….trying to grasp onto new things and new horizons. But that in no way means that I can't be caught by someone who needs me. Just because I'm searching doesn't mean that I'm not the something the someone else is needing and is searching for. My anything could be someones everything.

So my title :)

Let yourself be there.

Chase your calling, but let yourself be present for someone else's searching.
(tweet worthy? yay? nay? ha….)

I know this probably doesn't make sense. Its 12:37 at night and I have to start work in 7 hours.
But hey. I'm excited by this opportunity God has given me. 
And yep.

Sleep well my loves?


I've had some time over the last couple of weekends. Time to reconnect and reaffirm myself in what I'm living for and who I'm living for. I think with a schedule that has me working up to 60 hours each week…..and thats only the paid stuff……sometimes I forget exactly what my purpose is.

Everyday I strive to bring the kingdom here. But it's so easy to let it become part of a routine. And yes I could still be doing the same things as I normally would….but it's going to be of no good if my purpose and my intent isn't Jesus. A routine smile is so much less than a Jesus smile!!!

"greater is he in me, than the powers of this world"

I adore this lyric. It holds such power. This daily affirmation has given me so much strength….and it's literally only been a few days in. What am I to fear in this world if I am knowing that he is greater than all of it? Nothing! 

I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.
Phillipians 3:12 NLT

He has begun this good work in me, so I should have no doubt that He will finish it. 
I will press on and strive for his Kingdom. I don't strive for perfection in myself, but for perfection in who I am called to be and in whose I am. 

raw cacao hot chocolate.


So we all need a little sweet moment every now and then when the cool breeze moves in and the only outfit of choice is trackies and a hoodie. I am a huge advocate for the brilliance of hot chocolate in these times. However.....trying to cut back on sugar so that my stomach doesn't hate me for the next three hours is something I'm trying to work with! 

Cacao is basically just unroasted cocoa powder. Raw cacao is made by cold pressing cocoa beans that have not been roasted. As much as cocoa is a beautiful thing, the roasting takes a lot of the nutritional value out it. Raw cacao has so many more health benefits! And it settles into curing those chocolate cravings after a few rounds :) 

My one cup hot chocolate recipe:

250mL non dairy milk of your choice. 
1tsp raw cacao powder 
Dash vanilla essence
1tsp honey to sweeten

Just heat it up on the stove and there you go! 
Delicious and warm :) 

You can use dairy milk......but did you know that there's research saying that dairy actually hinders the absorption of antioxidants in raw cacao?! Wow! Get some of the nice nutty flavour and try it with almond milk! (Which is also delicious with chai on the stove!)