on this sunny saturday morning

READING - the newest Frankie yip yip!
LISTENING - James Vincent McMorrow "If I Had a Boat"
EATING - oats, yoghurt + banana. my favourite!
DRINKING - tea + honey, and a little juice on the side
LOVING - the sunshine outside!
INSPIRED - by my friends today. I have some God gifted people in my life!
WATCHING - avatar :)

if not now......then when?

some days i get frustrated being so far away from everything.

but then i come back to reality and thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to spend so much time in his creation. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life where people take your attention away from things He has given. 
The smells of spring, the cool wind on my skin, the sun making my heart warm, the birds flying right by me, and the day looking more beautiful with every second.
I am so blessed!