I'm at home with the flu, cold and lonely. so im having one of those day where your whole body hurts. you know? where your heart just hurts a bit?
you know the ones........we all have them! so ive stolen these questions from wolfcub. you should steal them too.
1. A QUALITY I WOULD WANT IN A FUTURE BOYFRIEND: he just has to be awesome, you know? he needs to play music so we can jam together :)
2. STORY BEHIND MY LAST KISS: well, to be honest, that hurting heart i mentioned earlier and a little bit of vodka.......
3. SOMETHING I AM PROUD OF: my ability to make bunting?
4. ONE OF MY INSECURITIES: the fact that i know im insecure. does that even work?
5. A SECRET: it hasnt gone away. after all this time i thought it would have. but its still there.
6. AN IDEAL DATE: cooking a meal together then sitting in the warmth with a guitar and and rug.
7. A TURN ON: a good heart, a guitar, handsome, plays sport, creativity, a bit of stubble :)
8. A TURN OFF: a bad attitude, straight away.
9. SOMETHING THAT MAKES ME HAPPY: perfume, music, soothing chords, a good roast.
10. SOMETHING I REGRET: not having the guts to be honest about my feelings in things.
11. SOMETHING THATS ON MY MIND: i hope i dont get any sicker......
12. A RANDOM FACT ABOUT MYSELF: i love catalgues, more than a lot of things.
14. ONE OF MY BAD HABITS: i should probably look after myself once in a while.
15. WHO I WISH I COULD BE: better